JMIR Publications + PREreview Live Review: December 1st, 2023 - 12pm EST

JMIR Publications and PREreview are pleased to announce our next Preprint Live Review on December 1st, 2023 at 12pm EST. We are bringing together scientists from across the globe for a virtual discussion and collaborative review of a recent preprint covering the Adherence Behaviors to Prevent COVID: The Role of Anxiety and Prosocial Behaviors.

We are bringing together scientists from across the globe for a virtual discussion and collaborative review of a recent preprint covering “Adherence Behaviors to Prevent COVID: The Role of Anxiety and Prosocial Behaviors” by Silvia Corbera and Amanda M. Marín-Chollom.

Preprint Live Review Details

WHAT: 90-minute collaborative discussion

WHEN: December 1, 2023 at 12pm EST

WHERE: Live on Zoom - Register to receive Zoom details

WHO: Discussion and review of the following preprint: Adherence Behaviors to Prevent COVID: The Role of Anxiety and Prosocial Behaviors

WHY: We are joining forces to explore ways to improve the traditional peer-review process by engaging the research community. We hope you will take part in a community Live Review that aims to be open, time-efficient, scientifically rigorous, fair, balanced and inclusive.  

The Live Review will be hosted by two facilitators who will guide participants through a constructive discussion of the preprint following a curated template. The moderators will be joined by an invited expert, the author of the preprint and researchers from all over the world including you!

HOW: Register using this link.