PREreview will run 25 live-streamed preprint journal clubs to break ground on an innovative peer review process for JMIR Publications.
(Portland/Toronto) JMIR Publications today announced a new collaboration with PREreview. The collaboration will build on the success of our pilot live-streamed peer review launched in April 2020; the resulting reviewed manuscript was published in JMIR Public Health and has been highly cited.
Preprints have come into their own in the last year and a half and have been recognized for their potential to accelerate science, particularly during public health crises. JMIR Publications recently announced the launch of JMIRx, an overlay journal that operates completely on top of preprint servers. Both JMIR Publications and PREreview have long recognized the potential of preprints to increase the transparency of science and accelerate discovery.
“JMIR Publications is excited to be working with PREreview in expanding our offerings of open and innovative peer-review methods. The PREreview mission to bring more diversity and equity to scientific review aligns perfectly with our mission—I look forward to our first Live Journal Club and engaging with our research community in a novel and exciting way,” says Gunther Eysenbach, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Editor at JMIR Publications.
As part of this innovative peer review model, authors will be offered the opportunity to make their preprint the center of a facilitated discussion in the form of a live-streamed preprint journal club; this video conference session will be hosted by PREreview and provide a platform for experts and interested readers from all over the world to come together and provide constructive feedback on the research. The comments from those discussions will then become the basis for our editorial review, leading to a more speedy publication workflow.
“PREreview is excited to work with JMIR Publications to leverage the power of community through live-streamed preprint journal clubs to innovate in peer review, making the process more transparent and participatory,” says Daniela Saderi, Co-founder and Director at PREreview.
Are you interested in being a part of this exciting pilot initiative? We are currently looking for authors who would like their preprint manuscript reviewed by PREreview’s live-streamed journal clubs and published with JMIRx, as well as folks interested in reviewing for these events. Please reach out to our Marketing Team for more information.
Stay informed and keep up-to-date with JMIR Preprints, the PREreview collaboration, and JMIRx|Med updates here.
About PREreview
PREreview is a fiscally sponsored project of the non-profit organization Code for Science and Society with the mission of catalyzing change in the scholarly peer review space, bringing more equity and transparency to the process. They design and develop open-source infrastructure to enable constructive feedback to preprints, run peer-review mentoring and training programs, and partner with like-minded organizations to organize events providing opportunities for researchers to create meaningful collaborations and connections, defeating cultural and geographical barriers. Learn more about PREreview at
About JMIR Publications
JMIR Publications is a leading, born-digital open-access publisher of academic journals and other innovative scientific communication products that focus on medicine, health, and technology. Its flagship journal, the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is the leading digital health journal globally in terms of quality/visibility in the medical informatics category and is the largest journal in the field.