Published on in Vol 6 (2025)

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Peer Review of “Determinants of Periodic Health Examination Uptake: Insights From a Jordanian Cross-Sectional Study”

Peer Review of “Determinants of Periodic Health Examination Uptake: Insights From a Jordanian Cross-Sectional Study”

Peer Review of “Determinants of Periodic Health Examination Uptake: Insights From a Jordanian Cross-Sectional Study”

Authors of this article:

Ali Ahmed1 Author Orcid Image

This is a peer-review report for “Determinants of Periodic Health Examination Uptake: Insights From a Jordanian Cross-Sectional Study.”

Specific Comments

Major Comments
  1. In this manuscript [1], write in detail about the data collection procedure.
  2. Why was a convenience sampling technique employed?
  3. “All collected data are treated with strict confidentiality.” Some language corrections are required.
Minor Comments

There are a lot of formatting issues; many things seem copied and pasted.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

  1. Tayoun AA. Determinants of periodic health examination uptake: insights from a Jordanian cross-sectional study. JMIRx Med. 2025;6:e57597. [CrossRef]

Edited by Tiffany Leung; This is a non–peer-reviewed article. submitted 20.01.25; accepted 20.01.25; published 05.02.25.


© Ali Ahmed. Originally published in JMIRx Med (, 5.2.2025.

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